For example, you could uninstall bloatware that came with your PC, install important software, or change system settings and then create a refresh image with the current system state.

Whenever you refreshed or reset your PC, it would use your custom image instead of the default one. Windows 8 allowed you to create a custom refresh image. If you have a dedicated sound card, or a fancy mouse or keyboard, you’ll probably want to manually download those drivers too. Typically, you’ll want to manually download drivers for your graphics card at least. If you need a hardware driver or utility that isn’t automatically installed from Windows Update, you’ll find them on your PC manufacturer’s download site. The hardware drivers you need should be automatically downloaded from Windows Update after you’re done. RELATED: Should You Use Cloud Download or Local Reinstall on Windows? Then just proceed with the reset like you normally would - it will download a Windows image straight from Microsoft and install it on your system or rebuild a clean copy from your existing local files, giving you a fresh-from-Microsoft system with none of that factory software installed. Make sure to click the toggle under “Restore Preinstalled Apps” to the “No” position, then click confirm. RELATED: How to Easily Reinstall Windows 10 Without the Bloatware Open up the “Reset This PC” utility like you normally would, but carefully look for the page that has “Change Settings” on it, then click “Change Settings.” Thankfully, Windows 10 and Windows 11 include an easy way to ensure you get a fresh-from-Microsoft Windows system. The “Reset this PC” option is convenient, but there’s one big problem with it: if your PC manufacturer installed a lot of junk software you don’t want at the factory, resetting your PC can bring all that junk back. Any problems caused by third-party software, system file corruption, system settings changes, or malware should be fixed by resetting your PC. However, all your installed programs and settings will be erased. You can choose whether you want to keep your personal files or erase them. If you installed Windows 10 or Windows 11 yourself, it will be a fresh Windows system without any additional software. By default, all manufacturer-installed software and drivers that came with the PC will be reinstalled, though you can force it to install a clean version of Windows. If you purchased a PC and it came with Windows 10 or Windows 11 installed, your PC will be in the same state you received it in. When you use the “Reset this PC” feature in Windows, Windows resets itself to its factory default state. How to Get a Fresh Windows 10 or Windows 11 System Without the Bloatware How to Reset Your PC in Windows 10 and Windows 11